User Roles

There are three roles defined for users in AssignmentOS - Admin, Lecturer and TA. The first user that is added to your account is given the Admin role by default.

A list of the permitted actions for each role is provided below:

RoleAllowed Actions


All Actions from the Lecturer role + Edit Email Templates, Add/Edit/Delete Users, View API key, Enforce Security Policies, and View Audit Logs.


All Actions from the TA role + Create/Edit/Delete Courses, Course Template Repo Write Access, Create/Edit/Delete Assignments and Send Assignments.


Course Template Repo Read Access,Review Student Submissions, Provide Feedback To Students.

Editing Roles

If you want to edit the roles of an existing user, you can click on the 3 bullet point icon to the right of the user's row and then click Edit roles:

Editing User Roles

Note that once you edit the roles for a user, the user will need to log out of AssignmentOS & log back in for the changes to take effect.

Last updated