1๏ธโƒฃConnect AssignmentOS

AssignmentOS implements the LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) spec, allowing it to be connected to your Moodle instance as an LTI Advantage tool. To connect AssignmentOS to your Moodle instance, please follow the steps below:

  1. Login to your Moodle installation as an administrator.

  2. Navigate to Site administration -> Plugins -> Activity modules -> External tool -> Manage tools.

  3. In the Tool Url field enter: https://lti.assignment-os.com/register.

  4. Click the Add LTI Advantage button.

You will then see AssignmentOS in the available tools in the Pending state. You then need to click the Activate button to activate the tool:

Once the AssignmentOS tool is activated, please send us your Moodle URL via email or our live chat, and we will then complete the integration process. This will only take a few minutes and we will notify you once it's done. You will then be able to add AssignmentOS assignments to your Moodle account.

Last updated