1️⃣Connect AssignmentOS

AssignmentOS implements the LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) spec, allowing it to be connected to your Canvas instance as an LTI Advantage tool.

To connect AssignmentOS to your Canvas instance, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Add a developer key in Canvas

  1. Login to your Canvas LMS as an administrator.

  2. Navigate to Admin -> [your account name] -> Developer Keys

  3. Click the + Developer Key button followed by the + LTI® Key dropdown

  4. In the resulting form, enter the following information:

    Key name: AssignmentOS Method: https://app.assignment-os.com Redirection URI(s): https://lti.assignment-os.com/lti/launch JSON URL: https://lti.assignment-os.com/register/canvas

  5. Click the Save button at the bottom when the form is filled.

  6. After saving, find AssignmentOS's key on the list of keys and make sure the State is switched to 'ON'.

  7. Note the number in the details column. It will be used as the Client ID in the next steps.

Step 2. Install the AssignmentOS tool into Canvas

  1. In the Canvas Admin menu, navigate to Settings -> Apps.

  2. Click the + App button.

  3. In the resulting form choose: Configuration Type: By Client ID Client ID: [The Client ID number you found in the previous series of steps]

  4. Click the Submit button.

  5. In the resulting dialog, click the Install button.

  6. The AssignmentOS tool will now show up in the External Apps table.

Step 3. Provide AssignmentOS your Canvas instance details

To complete the integration process, please send us the following information via email or our live support chat:

  1. Client ID: The Client ID found in the first sequence of steps.

  2. URL: The URL of your Canvas instance. If you are using Instrucuture Cloud, your URL will be https://canvas.instructure.com. If you are hosting Canvas yourself, then this will be the URL that you use to access your Canvas instance.

We will then notify you once the integration is complete. This process will only take a few minutes for us to complete.

Last updated