
To create a new assignment in Elixir, click into one of your courses, and then click Add assignment. Choose Elixir from the drop-down list of available backend languages and set the the rest of your assignment's parameters (deadline, etc.). Once the assignment is created, a new folder will be created in the private GitHub/GitLab template repository for the course in which you are added this assignment. This folder will contain a standard Elixir project (which uses Mix).

Automated test-suite setup

If you would like to add unit tests that are automatically run by AssignmentOS against each student's solution to your assignment, you can add these as unit test files in the test/ directory.

All unit tests files must be added in the test/ directory.and use the ExUnit testing framework.

All test filenames must end with _test.exs and test files with filenames that end with _hidden_test.exs will not be visible to the student.

If you want to add files that your hidden unit tests use and hence are also not visible to the student, the names of these files must begin with hidden (case-insensitive), e.g., hiddenFoo.json, hiddenFoo.csv, HiddenFoo.hs, etc.

The mix.exs file should only be modified in order to change the name of the project and add any third-party dependencies required for your assignment.

Your assignment must use/be compatible with Elixir 1.13 and Erlang/OTP 24.

GitHub Action & GitLab CI/CD

AssignmentOS uses either GitHub Actions or GitLab CI/CD (depending on whether you use with GitHub or GitLab) to run automated unit tests. We provide the following GitHub Action & GitLab CI/CD file for Haskell assignments. Note that this file is added dynamically to the repo of each student taking your assignment, so please do not include it in your template repo. This file also cannot be changed.

GitHub Action .yml file
GitLab CI/CD .yml file
name: Elixir CI

on: push



    runs-on: ubuntu-latest


    - uses: actions/checkout@v3

    - uses: erlef/setup-beam@v1
        otp-version: '24.1.6'
        elixir-version: '1.13.2'

    - run: mix deps.get

    - run: mix compile

    - run: mix test

Coming soon!

Last updated

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